Course Title: Technical Writing
Course no: ENG-256
Full Marks: 80+20
Credit hours: 3
Pass Marks: 32+8
Nature of course:
Theory (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis:
This course offers a number of tools for writing in technical fields,
by presenting clear explanations of key concepts and skills in
written communication. The writing process is placed in a systems
approach that integrates readings, planning, writing, and revising.
Other features include suggestions about how to select, organize and
present information in reports, papers and other documents.
Goal: This course
presets the types of writing skills students need to have for a
career in
Unit 1. 15 Hrs.
Turk & Kirkman,
Writing is communicating, Thinking about aim and audience,
Organization and layout of information, the use of headings and
numberings, Rutherfoord, Foundations (audience, language an style,
organization), Grammar Units (subjects and verbs, agreement:
pronouns; pronoun references; avoiding shifts; modifiers; clause and
simple sentence; compound sentences; complex and compound – complex
sentences; fragments, run-ones, and comma splices; transition words;
Unit 2. 15 Hrs.
Turk & Kirkman,
Algorithms for complex possibilities and procedures, style for
Readability, Writing with a computer, Informative summaries, Choosing
and using tables, illustrations and graphic presentation techniques;
Rutherfoord, , Writing Elements, (Technical definitions, technical
descriptions, summaries, graphics, instructions, comparisons and
contrast), Mechanics Units (Capital letters; abbreviations and
acronyms; end punctuation; commas; parentheses; dashes, brackets,
ellipses, slashes, and hyphens; apostrophes; quotations).
Unit 3. 15 Hrs.
Turk & Kirkman,
Writing instructions, Writing descriptions and explanations, Writing
letters and memoranda, Writing minutes and reports of proceedings,
Writing in Examinations: Rutherfoord, Formes of Technical
Communications (technical reports; forms, memos, and e-mail;
business; letters; presentations; the job search: resume and
letters), Appendices (common symbols and abbreviations; tips for word
processing; sample reports; irregular verbs; job applications.
Text books:
Truck, Christopher & John Krikman. Effective Writing: Improving scientific, technical and business communications. Second edition. London and New York: E & FN Spoon, 1989. First Indian Reprint, 2003. ISBN 0-19-14660-1.
Futherford, Andreas J. Basic Communications Skills for Technology. Second Edition.
Pearson Education, 2001. First Indian Reprint, 2001. ISBN 81-7808-281-0
Reference Books:
Lannon, John M. Technical Writing, Sixth Edition. New York: HarperCollins 1994.ISBN 0-673-52294-6.
Raman, Meenakshi, and Sangeeta Sharma. Technical Communications: Principles andPractice. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-19-566804-9.
Gerson, Sharon J., and Stenven M. Gerson. Technical Writing: Process and Product.Third Edition. Pearson Education Asia, 2000. First Indian Reprint, 2001. ISBN 81-7808-381-7.
Mohan, Krishna, and Meera Banergi. Developing Communication Skills. New Delhi:Macmillan, 1990. ISBN 0-333-92919-5
Wehmeier, Sally, Chief Ed. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-19-431665-3.
Lafferty, Petter, and Julian Rowe, eds. The Hutchinson Dictionary of Science. Oxford:Helicon, 1993,. ISBN 009-177151-X
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